Keeping our minds right
By keeping our lines tight
Statistics have shown there is over 500,000 services members suffering from the symptoms of PTSD. These people are the best of us, and by volunteering to serve us, have suffered something that wounded them terribly. If the wound was physical, it would have received the best care. Since it is a mental wellness issue it is approached with an almost distain. We here at FFAC feel that these gallant servants should receive the best of care and whatever help we can provide to help them recover. Our guests will receive 4 weeks of cognitive behavioral therapy, led by our qualified councilors. There will be 4 hours each day of classes, lectures, seminars and groups. Followed by daily fishing outings. From beginning spin casting to advanced fly fishing, our guests will get a minimum of 4 hours of meditative fishing on one of the various fisheries available. Hiking, kayaking and other outdoor activities will be included, all designed for healing. This will be under the instruction of our qualified guides. One of our goals is to give our guests some peace, By removing most of the outside stimulation. then showing them how meditative and healing fishing can be, hopefully a path of healing they can duplicate the rest of their lives.

Teaching a person to fish, feeds their soul for life
Our Mindfulness retreats Include

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Each day during the 1-month program, our qualified councilors will lead our guests through CBT classes, seminars and groups with an emphasis on Dialectic thinking, communication styles, and mindfulness.

Mindfulness fishing daily
Every day our guests will be on the water learning how to fish. From beginner to the advanced activity of fly fishing. Our qualified guides will walk the guests through the mindfulness meditative activity of fishing

Peace Of The Great Outdoors
"Look deeper into nature, and then you will understand everything better." Albert Einstein
Our goal is to remove most of the outside stimulation that constantly assaults the guests moment by moment. By returning to nature, we then can focus on healing